Tis The Season
What’s up everyone! I hope everyone is having a great Summer Season. I know its hot but, we are halfway through it with cooler temps on the horizon. We are looking forward to the next season as we begin to make the transition into early Fall. We probably have 3 weeks of warmer weather in front of us, but after that the cool nights will begin to show up just in time for some of the best fishing of the year. Something about Fall and Fly Fishing in the same sentence just compliment each other. I would say my favorite time to hit the river is all the time, but Fall is like the “Magic Sesaon.” So many options, as far as what to do angling wise. In the Pisgah Watersheds, we have all creeks flowing with a completely new look due to the flooding from Hurricane Fred. Wild Fish continue to prosper as we knew they would because that’s what they do! Now as far as DH Waters are concerned, we aren’t sure yet if they will be a thing with all that happened to the hatchery, but if I had to guess they will probably still have a DH this year in some shape or form. Bass fishing could be on hold till probably next year due to all that has happened, but windows of opportunity are still around just give me a call. Bassing and rain just don’t mix well in our region, but we have a few rivers we are still floating. East Tennessee continues to produce for the angler wanting to float for trout, and will only get better as we near the color change of leaves. Why is Fall such a great time? Well, first off we begin to see water temps drop to a safe and healthy number to fish from then till next Summer. Fish begin to fight and eat harder than they have the past couple months which is a win win, for any angler learning the sport. We will see the push of Big Wild Browns in the next couple months as hurricanes and rain fill up are watersheds(fingers crossed). These fish are already aware of what is to come which will get them moving up stream feasting and bulking up for the spawn. For the anglers wanting to trophy hunt that WILD FISH of a lifetime now is your chance to do so. The Wild Rainbows will begin to operate carelessly as the cooler weather sets in. They will begin by stealing feeding positions off other fish to gorge bugs like there’s no tomorrow. Rainbow trout fishing is over looked in the Fall, but this is when you’ll see them in prime condition. Which in result bends that rod over like a mini tuna. I was fishing with an angler who is somewhat new to the game not long ago. He was fishing with a buddy and I on a fun stretch of water that requires a good drift. As we worked our way upstream, we began picking apart the river one seam at a time. He worked the rod with big mends and feeding line as his drift flowed through the riffle. After working on perfecting a drift in a different manner than he is used to. “Got Em” he said, and this fish pulled drag down stream like 26 inch stocked dog food fed brown trout that people are still calling trophies. He looks at us and said these “Wild Fish Fight Hard Man.” As he gets the fish turned our way here comes a nice 12 inch Wild rainbow 4 ft out of the water. This guy kept fishing his heart out, and by the end of the day I looked back at the riffle behind me seeing that guy net fish after fish. You get in this weird zone sometimes when your fishing, and it usually consist of what I call “GO GET IT MODE.” It’s the angler, the mountain, the river and the fish. Nothing at all matters other than those things. It’s a weird because your mind just goes blank and, your fishing better than you ever have in these moments and don’t even realize it. Don’t get me wrong this isn’t normal lol. Somedays its opposite, but every once in a while we just into that “zone.” This guy was in that mode, and what a joy it was to see. I looked at my good buddy and said “ he’s ruined isn’t he?” (remember i’m not a writer Im just a guy who likes to fish with little education. So keep the grammar and spelling comments to yourself Ha!) For the person wanting to learn about this sport now is the time to hit the book now button. Fall invites any, and everyone to come enjoy the colored up mountains and Wild Fish. It’s just the perfect setting to take it all in and experience what Fly Fishing is all about.Beginner to avid we want to get you on the water. Book with us soon to reserve a spot for the Fall. Tight lines everyone!
First time angler fooling a real one. Also, a if your into YouTube give Hugeflyfisherman a follow, and watch the wild or stocked video he posted recently. I don’t know the guy, but his video is SPOT ON!